Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter NSDAR
Concord, North Carolina

In 1916, the Daughters of the Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution erected a fountain on the Cabarrus County Courthouse lawn, "In memory the Cabarrus Black Boys who destroyed the British ammunition, May 17, 1771 - In defense of American Liberty."
The Daughters of the chapter completed a project to restore and re-dedicate the fountain in 2015 on what is now the Historic Courthouse lawn.

The French government donated this German gun to the Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution; the chapter then presented it to Cabarrus County in 1920.

The chapter erected this monument to, “Benjamin B. Patton - A Soldier, Patriot, Signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, May 20, 1775,” near his grave in 1922.

Traditional Rock is the site where the three White brothers, disguised, met their father coming from the mill. Not being recognized, they demanded his horse before joining the other six boys who made up the Cabarrus Black Boys. They destroyed Governor Tryon's powder about three miles north, near Phifer's Mill, on May 17, 1771. This deed gave our chapter its name. The chapter placed a memorial marker at the site in 1926.

This original surveyors corner was used in laying out the four squares of the City of Concord, North Carolina, in 1796. The chapter placed a marker at the site in 1936.
This marker was placed at the spot where the Cabarrus Black Boys staged their attack against Cornwalls' powder train.

The chapter and descendants of, “Elias Bost - A Patriot of the American Revolution,” placed this marker near his grave in 1974.
The chapter and descendants of, “Jacob Bost - A Patriot of the American Revolution,” placed this marker near his grave in 1974.

The chapter and descendants of, "Johannes & Susannah Catharina Bast - Early area settlers," placed this marker, near their grave, in 1974.

The chapter and descendants of, “Elias Bost - A Patriot of the American Revolution,” placed this marker near his grave in 1974.
The chapter and descendants of, “John Bost - A Patriot of the American Revolution,” placed this marker near his grave in 1974.

The chapter and descendants of, "Samuel Suther, V. D. M. Outstanding Leader, Teacher, Preacher and Revolutionary Patriot who came to America in 1739," placed this marker, beside the church, in 1975.

The chapter and descendants of, "John Morrison - A Patriot of the American Revolution," placed this marker near his grave in 2002.

The Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter, Ruth Brewster Chapter of DC and descendant Mrs. J. P. Shedd of, "George Jacob Miller - A Patriot of the American Revolution," placed this marker near his grave in 1978.

The chapter and descendant Letha Snyder of, "Archibald McCurdy - A Patriot of the American Revolution," placed this marker near his grave in 1989.

The chapter and descendants of, "James Morrison - A Patriot of the American Revolution,"
placed this marker near his grave in 1989.
The chapter and descendants of, "Robert Morrison - A Patriot of the American Revolution," placed this marker near his grave in 2002.